Cookie Policy

The presented “wide information” has been prepared and specially customized for this site according to the provisions of the Ordinance issued on 8 May 2014 by the Guarantor for the protection of personal data. It integrates and updates other information already on the site and / or released by the company in the past, in combination with what provides all the information required by the art. 13 of D. Lgs. 196/2003 and the subsequent measures of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data.

Important warning
We inform the third party that the use of this information, or even some parts of it, in other web sites in reference to which would certainly be irrelevant and / or incorrect and / or inconsistent, may result in the imposition of heavy fines by the Guarantor for the protection of personal data.

Disclosure subject
In these web pages, our company uses technologies which use the so-called “cookies” and this statement aims to clearly and precisely illustrate to the user how they are used.

What cookies are
Cookies are text strings (small dimension files) that the sites visited by a user send to their terminal (pc, tablet, smartphone, etc.) where they are stored in order to be re-transmitted to the same sites which had sent them initially, during the next visit of the same person.

Types of cookies and relative terms
The cookies which are used in this web site are of the following types:
1. Technical cookies: they allow the user to get an excellent and fast navigation through the website and the efficient use of services and / or the various options that it offers, allowing for example to make a purchase or to authenticate the access to restricted areas. These cookies are necessary to improve the usability of the website, but they can be disabled.
2. Third-party cookies: cookies which are installed in the user’s terminal by various site managers. The third-party cookies, mainly with the purpose of analysis, mostly derive from the functionality of Google Analytics. You can get more information about Google Analytics at the following link: To disable the cookies and to prevent Google Analytics from collecting data on navigation, you can download the browser add-on for Google Analytics by clicking on the following link:

Browser settings
We also inform you that the user can configure, freely and at any time, their parameters of privacy in relation to the installation and use of cookies directly through their navigation program (browser) by following the instructions relevant. In particular, the user can set the so-called “private browsing”, thanks to which the navigation program stops the saving of the sites visit history, of any passwords entered, of cookies and other information about the pages visited. We warn that in case the user decides to turn off all cookies (even those of technical nature), the quality and speed of services offered by this website could worsen drastically and you could lose access to some sections of the site.

How to disable the cookies?
Most browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc) are configured to accept cookies. The cookies stored on the hard drive of your device can still be deleted and you can disable cookies by following the directions provided by the major browsers, at the following links:
Internet Explorer