Your car seats and upholstery show stains or halos? You have no idea how to clean the car seats? Discover how the steam cleaning technique can help you renovate your car interior.
The cleaning of the car seats can be pretty hard, especially if you have to deal with stains or dirt accumulated over time. However, thanks to steam, you can obtain excellent results, without using chemical detergents that might ruin the materials.
The car steam cleaning, if used by trained technicians, is a safe and efficient method to clean the car seats. The high steam temperature easily removes dirt and stains, and thanks to the generated pressure, steam penetrates deeply into the materials, removing also the stubborn dirt in difficult to reach areas.
Moreover, using steam to clean the car seats is also eco friendly since it drastically reduces the water consumption. Moreover, thanks to our method, we don’t even use chemical aggressive products that might harm your health and the environment.
Discover how to clean the car seats using steam. Read our article to know more and restore your car interior’s appearance.
The advantages of steam cleaning the car seats
The car seats steam cleaning offers various advantages that make it the best method to perfectly clean your car interiors. Here follow a list of the main advtantages of steam cleaning the car seats:
- Dirt and stains cleaning: steam can get rid of any kind of dirt and stains on the car seats. Leaving them perfectly cleaned and sanitized.
- Germs and bacterias removal: Not only does the steam clean the surfaces, but it also kills germs and bacterias.That’s why we say that it cleans and sanitizes the materials.
- Sanitization: hanks to our method that combines steam with our DettaglioAuto eco-friendly detergents, we are able to completely sanitize all your car interior surfaces. Give a look at our certificate: we obtained it through a double test conducted frslòy on the surfaces of a dirty car and then we repeated it, on the same areas, but after our car interior sanitizing service. The results are astonishing!
- Eco-friendly: It is an eco-friendly system since it helps save about 120 liters of water per car compared to a traditional car wash method.
- Bad smells removal: Since steam can penetrate in depth into the surfaces, melting and removing the dirt, it helps get rid of those substances that might be the cause of bad smells in your car interior.
- Car steam cleaning, compared to other methods, does NOT wet the seats heavily: It leaves the materials slightly humid, allowing a fast drying.
Therefor, the use of steam to clean your car seats is the best choice for your car. Actually it is 100% efficient for you and for the environment.
Step by step guide to steam clean the car seats
As we already said, steam cleaning the car seats is the best method to obtain perfectly cleaned interiors. This is entirely a manual work, that is why it requires time and experience to properly treat all the materials. Here follows a step by step guide of our method to perfectly clean the car seats:
- Preparation: We remove all the objects inside your vehicle
- Vacuum the seats: Before using steam we properly vacuum all the seats in order to get rid of all the dirt on the seats surface. This will help you obtain better results during the steam cleaning process.
- Steam cleaning: we use our steam cleaning machine in injection and extraction mode to clean the car seats. Each material is treated with a specific technique, for example, leather or aòlcantare seats are two of the most delicate materials, that’s why they need to be treated with more attention compared to the fabric seats.
- Drying phase: Steam does not wet the surfaces, that’s why it doesn’t need long drying times, especially during hot seasons. During winter you might want to accelerate this phase, so we suggest you take a microfiber cloth or any other dry towel, and rub it on the surface to get rid of the superficial humidity.
- Car detailing products: Straight after the steam cleaning process, our technician will apply some of our specific DettaglioAuto products on the car interior surfaces to renovate and nourish them, like our moisturizing leather cream or our plastic restorer.
DIY interior and car seats cleaning
Car seats can be made of different materials like fabric or leather. We suggest that you always rely on experts in this field. since the risk to damage the surfaces is real. The risks might be different like ruining the leather using aggressive products or over-wetting the sears sponge which might cause the formation of mold and bad smells.
However, If you just need a regular cleaning because your car is not that dirty, here follow some tips on how to clean the car seats and interior by yourself:
- Preparation: remove all the objects inside your vehicle avoiding them to get vacuumed.
- Properly vacuum: Before starting the cleaning phase, vacuum the car seats and all the other surfaces to remove all the superficial dirt. Help yourself with some vacuuming accessories like a soft brush together the dirt and vacuum it and a long rigid accessory to reach all the smallest corners and holes. Remember to proceed with delicate movements, do not push the accessories too hard on the surface, especially if you are working on materials like leather and alcantara.
- Car window cleaning and dust: use a glass cleaner, we suggest that you use our specific product Crystal Glass. DO NOT spray it directly on the surface, firstly spray it on a soft cloth, better if it is a microfiber cloth, in this way you will avoid leaving unwanted stains or dripping marks on the surface. If the car window is pretty dirty you can pretreat the surface with a magic sponge wetted into hot water. Rub it on the glass until all the dirt is removed and then proceed with our Crystal Glass or a common glass cleaner.You can also use our Crystal Glass to dust the car interior surfaces like car doors, dashboard, plastic parts…always help yourself with a microfiber cloth or similar.
- Renovate the plastic color: If it seems as if the plastic parts of your car look whiter, you can bring back their original color thanks to our specific product: Plastic Restorer. Apply a small amount of product on a soft sponge, rub it on all the plastic parts and let it dry. You will be able to see the difference immediately!
These are some DIY tips to keep your car always clean and beautiful.
How much does it cost to clean the car seats?
The cost to clean the car seats can vary according to different factors. Here follow some aspects that can influence the price of this service:
- The seats and upholstery material: There are some materials that require more attention during their treatment, such as the leather. That is why some detailer might charge you more if your car shows luxurious materials.
- How dirty the car is: If the car seats and upholstery show stubborn dirt or stains, a harder work is required by the car detailer. In some cases it might be necessary to take out the seats from the inside. This is another reason why the price is likely to increase.
- The car size: Usually, bigger cars entail higher costs since the cleaning hours increase.
- An entirely manual service: This service is entirely performed manually by trained technicians.
We suggest that you ask for proformas to different car detailing centers, in order to get a better idea of the prices of such service. If you are also interested in receiving a proforma for a DettaglioAuto Interior renovation service you can take a look at our dedicated page and fill in the form. One of our technicians will get back to you ASAP!
Common errors to avoid while DIY cleaning the car seats
There are some errors that it is better to avoid not to run into expensive damages. Here follow a NOT TO DO LIST that you should take into account:
- DO NOT use aggressive chemical products: e super careful while choosing what products to use to clean your car seats. We suggest that you choose the most delicate ones.
- DO NOT forget to vacuum first: Before starting cleaning it is important to properly vacuum all the superficial dirt. Doing that will help you clean faster because you will prevent the dirt from spreading everywhere.
- DO NOT directly inject water on the seats: seats are made out of sponge and if you inject water on them, the sponge will immediately absorb it. If the water in excess is not removed, it might cause the formation of humidity and mold on the surfaces, with the consequent formation of bad smells.
- DO NOT spray products directly on the surfaces: it is better to spray the product on a cloth or a sponge and then apply it on the surface, doing that will avoid the formation of spray stains or dripping marks which are difficult to remove.
How often should I wash my car seats?
We suggest that you book our Interior renovation service once every year and mantain in booking our Express car wash once every two months. However, if you want to do it yourself we suggest following the guide lines nin this article.
Conclusion: the best way to clean car seats is steam
If your car seats and upholstery show stubborn dirt and stains, the most efficient solution is steam. This latter is the only method that can penetrate in depth into the materials, melt the dirt and then remove it, without leaving the surfaces completely wet! Thanks to steam you will be able to get excellent results against different kinds of stains, organic or not. Moreover, it gets rid of bacterias and germs, leaving the surface perfectly clean.
Keep in mind though that relying on experts is fundamental, because, like for everything, if handled in the wrong way might cause damages. Same goes for steam! Trust only experts in the car steam cleaning sector.
Discover the advantages of steam cleaning your car seats booking our Interior renovation service and take a look at our Google reviews.